Super Vadimka full name Vadim Igorevich Kulev is the main titular protagonist of the original Super Vadimka series, first debuting in the game of the same name in 2021. Where he is represented by a very weak gray anthropomorphic boy who has to go through the most difficult levels and defeat hardcore enemies.
Conception and design
Pixel art for Super Vadimka was created by the designer of the original HyperTheLoopa420 series game (mentioned under the pseudonym "HTL420"), and later turned into an exquisite illustration of VadimBallzGame (mentioned under the pseudonym "VBG"). Since then, he has become one of the undervalued original characters of VadimBallzGame and continued to produce a series of games about him, one of the most little-known symbols of the video game industry. Having appeared on since the days of Windows, Super Vadimka has a gaming audience, and its games have continued to evolve in accordance with the ever-changing hardware requirements. The fictional universe of Super Vadimka, each of which presents different variations and incarnations of the same gray hero. Although "Megaman" or "Super Vadimka" is usually used to describe only the original Super Vadimka from the free series.
In an interview with HyperTheLoopa420, he stated that he wanted the appearance of Super Vadimka to change depending on the chewing gum asteroids he used, while the appearance of Super Vadimka changed as the evolution of the clone characters, that his appearance would change Super Vadimka, later get a similar appearance in Super Vadimka VII: The Nightmares of The Current Continue, with a change in the outer 20s.
Throughout her life, VadimBallzGame has been creating a narrative about Super Vadimka, playing with heavy levels that may not be noticed by random players. For example, unlike other monsters, Super Vadimka was created with the ability to save and download. This gives a Super Vadimka, a special level. This autonomy is an honor as well as a burden. While Super Vadimka, dies with a single blow touched by enemies and bosses is free to make his own dangers and must try as far as possible to pass difficult levels.
He is a kind guy, he wears a gray jacket and trousers, as well as black shoes, he also has an ordinary face and dark hair. Although he is also a handsome boy.
The personality of Super Vadimka seems to stem from his creator, whose intention could be to create a real boy based on his own interpretation, as if it were his own who would later be transformed into an immortal asteroid boy known as Super Vadimka.
Super Vadimka is, first of all, extremely brave and fair, deciding to become a Hero and face the threat posed by Kulik because he wanted to help and do the right thing. However, he is also a pacifist. but along with these traits, he is also kind, generous and polite and handsome.
History and game appearances
Super Vadimka first appeared in the game released on October 20, 2021. He also appeared in various self-promotion games before his official debut. Throughout the series, he faces off against enemies, monsters, and the main antagonist Dr. Kulik in a quest to save the world. Despite his weakness in combat, Super Vadimka can resurrect himself with the help of save points and use his gum-shooting abilities to defeat bosses.
Powers, abilities and skills
Super Vadimka has the ability to resurrect himself with save points, shoot gum at enemies and bosses, and use objects lying around to throw at enemies. Despite his physical weakness, his determination and bravery make him a powerful hero.
- Super Vadimka was created by Yuri Kustov as a pixel sprite and later developed into a mascot by VadimBallzGame.
- He is known for being a weak character who dies easily, but is able to come back to life through save points.
- Super Vadimka is characterized by his kindness, bravery, and strong sense of justice.
- He is considered an underrated character but has a dedicated fan base.
- Super Vadimka has appeared in multiple games within the franchise, each presenting different variations of the character.