The Three-Headed also known as Oleg Kartavenkov these are unknown humanoid creatures that appeared as the 3rd world in the first Super Vadimka game. These are basically three-headed creatures that are capable of flying to any place.
The Three-Headed UFOs are characterized by their ruthless and aggressive nature, showing no mercy towards their enemies and exhibiting high levels of intelligence. They are extremely loyal to each other, working seamlessly as a team to overcome any challenges that come their way.
Appearance: The Three-Headed UFOs are humanoid creatures with three heads, sharp teeth, glowing eyes, and long tentacles. They have the ability to fly at high speeds and maneuver with precision. Their thick, slimy substance serves as a protective shield that makes them hard to defeat in battle.
Little is known about the origins of the Three-Headed UFOs, but they are rumored to have a connection to a cosmic planet. Despite not being created by the main villain, Dr. Kulik, they play a significant role in the game and pose a serious threat to the main character, Super Vadimka.
In addition to their physical attributes, the Three-Headed UFOs possess powerful laser beams that they can shoot from their mouths. They also have high health and the ability to regenerate damage quickly, making them formidable opponents that require quick reflexes and precision to defeat.
- The Three-Headed UFOs are known for causing bugs and glitches in the game world, adding an unpredictable element to battles. Despite their fearsome appearance, there may be a tragic backstory to the Three-Headed UFOs that has yet to be revealed. Players must be on their toes when facing off against these creatures to ensure victory.